The month of May marks Global Employee Health and Fitness Month – a topic we’re personally invested in. At Freeletics, health and fitness aren't just words – they're our passion. We live and breathe it.
Whether it's a Pullup work break, Tuesday Team Training, or themed cooking sessions - we strive to live a healthy lifestyle through what we do, what we create, and how we live. There is, of course, an added bonus that our fellow colleagues motivate us to eat healthier and be active at work, and our company provides the support to help us do just that.
Want the deets on how our colleagues stay so fit? We’ve got you. We’re sharing an exclusive look at how some of our Freeletics colleagues stay healthy both during the 9-5 grind and beyond.

Confidence, Director of Product:
- Start the day with hydration, introspection, and movement: “I start every day with a glass of water, a 5-15 minute meditation, then a workout for anywhere between 17-60 minutes depending on how much time I have and how I am feeling that day. By doing these three things, I set the tone for the rest of my day. Like most people, not every day is perfect. So even if I skip one day for whatever reason, I don't let it spill over to the next. I treat every day as a new start.”
- Get social: “I try and make it a point to be social for at least 15 minutes a day. Social interaction plays a huge part in my wellness, so whether it's informal coffee or a phone call to my friends and family, intentionally scheduling in time for human interaction is key.”
- Eat healthy: “I use the 80/20 rule here. 80% of my week, I am hyper-intentional about eating a balanced diet and avoiding processed sugar. 20% of the time, I'm not so strict with what I eat and I’ll allow myself to indulge. Shockingly, because of that 80%, over the past 10+ years, my 20% "letting myself be" ends up being very reasonable.”
- Two simple tricks: “Always have a water bottle with you and take the stairs if you physically can!”
Anita, Content Designer:
- Make working out work for you!: “I try to do workouts I enjoy - whether it's with friends during our Freeletics Tuesday Team Training or doing a sport I love, like bouldering.”
- Be mindful, not restrictive: “I don't follow a strict diet per se, but I am mindful of what I eat. I try to eat mostly vegetarian, always include vegetables in every meal, and have lots of fruits during the day. Don’t forget to drink lots and lots of water! I try to drink around 3 liters every day.”
- Listen to your body: “If I am feeling low and under the weather, I switch to low-intensity exercises so my body can restore properly.”
- Protect your skin: “Always wearing sunscreen even on cloudy days .”
Robert, Engineering Manager:
- Consistency is key: “Define a schedule that works well for your life. A workout doesn’t need to be 1.5 hours – I find it's easier to stick to a shorter, 45-minute session every day.”
- Become an early bird: “I try to workout in the morning to start the day off with an accomplishment and to avoid letting life's and work distractions from interfering with my workout.”
- Don’t follow the fads: “You don't need to follow every trend. Stick to something tried and tested and follow it for at least 6 months to see results before moving on to something else.”
- 80/20 rule: “I try to eat healthy and low-processed food 80% of the time, and 20% enjoy whatever I like. To break it down in a week: 5 workdays "healthy," 2 days weekend less strict with food.
- Eat mindfully: “I always try to eat slowly and mindfully. No liquids with added sugar, drink water instead.”
- Prioritize recovery: “I try to prioritize recovery with active rest days such as hiking or long walks. Another recovery hack is to finish your shower with 1-2 minutes of cold water. And, when I can, I also like to treat myself to a sports therapy massage or a sauna session.”
Erika, CRM & Customer Experience Manager:
- Try the tomato technique: “I don’t actually stop working every 25 min, but I do actively try to plan breaks in my day. I will grab a cup of tea or something to eat on the next floor up. It’s a good way to give my brain some rest and also get my steps in. I think it’s good for productivity and also for the body."
- Train together: “It can be in a gym, like our Tuesday Team Trainings, or it can also be a walk outside together with a friend or colleague. I do this often when the weather is nice. We’ll walk from the office to the city center and then simply take the train home from wherever we end up!”
- Healthy, but tasty: “If you like to snack, try to have something healthy, but tasty. This was actually thanks to Sam's (our Social Media Manager’s) food content creations that showed us how we can have our sweet fix every day, but healthier.”
- All about flexibility: “I understand that flexibility in when and how you work isn’t possible in every job. If you can, try to distribute your high-effort projects for when you feel more energized and leave more monotonous things for when you’re tired. Opt for taking a break from your work if you’re not being productive anymore, and restart later or another day. I think this strategy is key for mental health and has helped me a lot.”
Hermann, Team Lead Brand Relations
- Never skip two workouts in a row: “I strength train 4 times a week, year-round, no matter what – vacation, high workload, etc. Plan the workouts for the week on Sunday and adjust the plan so it’s realistic and doable. Integrate training in your normal life so it’s like brushing your teeth. It shouldn’t be a matter of time or motivation, you do it without thinking if you want to do it.”
- Eat healthy and avoid coping through consumption: “I cook for myself and try to avoid processed food and sugar, sweets and salty snacks. I say mostly because I think it’s okay to indulge occasionally, but the “normal” should be a healthy diet. I don’t forbid myself from those foods, I just don't eat them regularly without a reason. For example, I´d have a piece of cake for someone’s birthday, but not necessarily when there's cake in the office. I eat veggies with at least one meal every day, try not to overeat, and aim to have a rough overview of my calorie intake. A key piece of advice I can give is to avoid coping through consumption. When you consume food or drink because of stress, anger, sadness, boredom, happiness, etc., it becomes a toxic habit."
- Be active in everyday life: “I enjoy being active, so in addition to strength training, I like being outside as much as possible. Cycling, hiking, bouldering, walking, swimming. I prefer walking to the supermarket for groceries, or using the cargo bike instead of going by car. I try to at least add one intensive activity each week to strength training.”
- Make sure to rest: “I look after my sleep routine, try to get enough sleep in, and don’t workout when I’m sick or not feeling like it. If I feel an infection coming in, I try to sleep it off before it kicks in. I typically have 2 rest days in a normal week.”
- F#ck Motivation: “Motivation is nice, but it's an emotional thing that comes and goes. If working out becomes dependent on motivation, we’re more likely to skip it than get it done. Find a routine and commit to it with discipline, at least for a time to see if it works, then revisit and adjust the routine.”
Are you pumped up and feeling inspired? Try incorporating 1-2 of their tips into your daily routine. Once you’ve nailed those, habit stack and build from there! Remember, it’s all about consistency sticking with it long-term. Get started and go after those goals!