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5 ways to make your training greener


In recent years, being eco-friendly has shifted from a trend to an absolute necessity.

There’s a natural link between fitness and good intentions, so If you've already cut down on your meat consumption, carry a reusable coffee cup and always separate your recycling, then you may also want to consider the impact your fitness regime is having on the environment. As great as a sweaty workout can be, there are plenty of elements to exercise that may not be all that sustainable. That doesn't mean you have to give up your fitness journey all together, but there are a few simple ways you can ‘go green’ with your training:

1. Put down the plastic

It’s no secret that plastic is terrible for the environment, and years of overuse has already caused irreversible damage to the world we live in. It’s time to abandon grab-and-go, plastic water bottles, three-quarters of which are thrown away in landfills every year. Instead, invest in a reusable water bottle, in the long run, it will even save you money!

2. Be kit savvy

Popular performance fabrics like nylon and polyester might look great and do the job when you’re training, but they require a lot of energy to produce and they aren’t biodegradable. From swimwear, to trainers, there are some great sustainable fitness brands popping up which use recycled and biodegradable materials to create performance focused products with a conscience.

3. Plogging

Instead of using electricity to power a treadmill, why not enjoy the same benefits by walking, running or training outside? You could even combine an outdoor run with a spot of ‘plogging’, a Swedish exercise concept that involves picking up litter as you jog through the streets or your local park.

4. Recycle

If you’re going green, recycling is a must. Not only does this refer to rubbish, but you can also recycle your gym clothes. Depending on the condition of your gear, you can donate unwanted items to charity shops or leave items at a local fabric recycling point. Several retailers also offer trade-in schemes where you can swap unwanted or used items for vouchers towards new kit.

5. Look for eco-friendly fitness facilities

With fitness facilities looking to become eco-friendlier, there are now some fantastic spaces which offer solar or human-powered machines, making them far more energy efficient. Even better, training outside or in the comfort of your own home removes the need for any extra power usage and can help you save money on gym memberships.

Let’s recap:

Looking after yourself and looking after the planet can easily go hand in hand, it’s just about finding the right way to do it. Consider your current training regime and the impact it has on the environment? Could you do more to train greener?