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Getting started with Freeletics


Decided to take on the challenge of becoming the greatest version of yourself, but not sure how to start? Worry not, here is our fool proof guide to using (and succeeding with) Freeletics.

First steps

You might start off with the free version of the Freeletics app. Once you’ve registered and gone through your on-boarding, you’ll see the Feed, Explore, Coach, Profile and Notifications tabs across the bottom of the app. You can start training straight away by clicking on the Explore Tab.

At the top of the Explore tab, you’ll find ‘Workouts’ with our signature God workouts. These are high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts that you can complete whenever you like. They are grouped by difficulty (beginner, intermediate or advanced), duration (short, medium or long) or body part (lower, core, upper or full body). Free users have access to 20 of these God workouts, while premium users have access to 60+ workouts.


The God workouts never change. Whenever you complete one, your time will be saved in the app, so you’ll be able to see your progress and challenge your personal bests as you improve.

Hesitant to commit to a whole God workout? Also in the Explore tab, you’ll find Single Exercises. Here you can learn the correct technique and also select individual exercise sets to complete. It’s a great source of inspiration on what to workout, as well as learning the correct range of movement and form. Free users have access to 25 Single Exercises, while premium users have access to over 100.


In addition to strengthening your body, you can also sharpen your mind with Mindset Coaching. Mindset Coaching provides audio courses and episodes that help improve your mindfulness and develop new mental and physical training skills. Learn how to build a routine, cope with setbacks, manage stress and improve your focus, recovery and sleep. Sessions last on average 4 minutes and free users have access to 20 audio sessions, while premium users have access to over 80.

Getting_Started_Mindset Note: Mindset Coaching is currently only available in English.

Setting up your Coach

Starting out can be overwhelming at first. That’s why, for premium app users, you get access to a personalized Coach. Powered by AI-technology, the Coach creates a truly unique training program based on your fitness abilities and level, which continuously adapts as you progress. During your registration, you’ll be asked about your fitness level, how you like to train (with bodyweight, running, weights, or a combination) and your fitness goals. The Coach then considers your input to recommend a Training Journey that best matches your level and goals. You don’t have to choose the Coach recommendation if it isn’t for you. Premium users have access to 20 different Training Journeys ranging from 6-12 weeks, so the choice is yours.

Choosing a Training Journey

A Training Journey is the workout plan you follow when you train with Freeletics. Each Training Journey is designed to help you reach a specific goal, and includes workouts and exercises that are tailored to you and continuously adapt to your progress. The aim of a Training Journey is to provide a holistic, guided and personalized experience, so that each user, no matter their goal, capabilities or interests, can find a method that suits them.

Everyone’s journey is unique and varied

While we might offer one Training Journey to all athletes with the same goal, each athlete’s journey itself is completely unique. Based on the feedback you give after each workout, the Coach adapts your next training to ensure that you’re advancing at just the right speed, without injury or not being challenged enough.

The best part? Although we encourage you to try out different Training Journeys to add variety to your training, you can always go back and do the same one multiple times and still see real results since the Coach continues to adjust the experience to your current capabilities.

Your training schedule

Almost all Training Journeys follow a 6-12 week cycle which includes an assessment week, training weeks and a Hell Week. During the assessment week, the Coach gets to know you. By closely monitoring your performance at the beginning, your Coach will get a clear understanding of your fitness level, strengths and weaknesses, ensuring you start at a point that’s 100% right for you. For bodyweight-only Training Journeys, the following training weeks will include a mixture of technique training, individualized intervals and high-intensity God workouts. If you select a Training Journey involving weights, the cycle will differ depending on the training method. Running Training Journeys will give you a mix of different distances and sprints.

Each session in your training week includes a warmup and a cooldown and gives you the chance to provide feedback. For most of you, Hell Week will be your challenge. Think of it as the competition you’ve been training for. It will test your progress by giving you 7 days of training that only include the God workouts.


Training on your terms has never been easier. You can plan your training sessions for the week, but if your plans change, so can the Coach. Simply click on the settings icon at any time to tell your Coach what days you would like to train and adjust your training based on what equipment you have available. So whether you need structure to your week of if you prefer a bit of spontaneity, you’ll have the best of both worlds.

Adapt your daily training

Every training day is different, but so are most people’s circumstances on a daily basis. That’s why the ‘Adapt session’ feature allows you to change your scheduled workout to deliver what you need in that moment How much time you have, if you have muscle soreness, if you need to workout ‘quietly’ (i.e. avoid loud movements like Jumps to avoid waking the neighbors) and more options are available to make sure that you can fit your training in.



After every workout you do within your Training Journey, you’ll be asked to give feedback on how exhausting you found the workout, how technically challenging it was and if you think you can do more. Your Coach will then use this information to adapt your next training session moving forwards, making it easier or harder, and including exercises and workouts it thinks are the best match for where you are now.


What will you need?

The best part about Freeletics is that there isn’t a set outline of what equipment or clothing you need. The gear you use is entirely up to you according to what you have access to. For example, you’ll only ever need a barbell and weights if you decide to choose one of the weights Training Journeys - you’ll never be surprised by a sudden need for equipment, your Coach will always inform you in advance if any equipment is needed, and allow you to either accept or modify your training accordingly.

The same goes for clothing. Want to train outside? You might need extra warm clothing, sunscreen or a light. But it’s up to you; your Coach will never tell you that you have to train in a certain place - you determine what and where works best for you.

And that’s all there is to it. Start your Freeletics journey today and download the app now.