5 min readWell-Being5 ways to get more out of your workoutWe describe the five most common reasons for lack of progress and what you can do to counteract it: Technique, training stimulus, regeneration, sleep and nutrition.Seana10 years ago5 min read
1 min readTrainingWomen and fitness myth #1: Freeletics training makes women big and bulky. False!“If a woman does high intensity training, she will develop a bodybuilders figure.”- Read more to find out why this is just a myth and the benefits of Freeletics for w...Seana10 years ago1 min read
1 min readTrainingWhat does high intensity training actually mean?High intensity training means short-term training under maximum stress. With high intensity training, the effect of training is as high or higher than with long perio...Seana10 years ago1 min read
1 min readTrainingThe #2×2 challengeTo celebrate the launch of the new 2x2 feature we’re giving away a Freeletics sports bag and a one-year Coach subscription. Find out how to enter here.Seana10 years ago1 min read
1 min readNutritionHigh-protein snacks for athletes on the go5 of the best protein rich snacks that are quick and easy to prepare and eat on the go.Seana10 years ago1 min read
4 min readCommunityFrom average to awesome in 15 weeks – Nico’s storyDiscover how Nico from Luján, Argentina went from average to athlete in just 15 weeks with the Freeletics Coach.Seana10 years ago4 min read
4 min readWell-Being7 reasons why women should exercise with FreeleticsEvery day more and more women are discovering high intensity training, and especially Freeletics. Is high intensity training with your own body weight really the best...Seana10 years ago4 min read
2 min readWell-BeingHow to fight through the most painful part of your workoutFind out 4 of the best tips to trick your mind, overcome the pain and keep you fighting until the end of your workout.Seana10 years ago2 min read
2 min readTrainingFreeletics Exercises: Leg LeversLeg Levers (leg lifters) are a particularly effective exercise for the training of your abdominal muscles. The difficulty lies in lifting the stretched legs upwards. ...Seana10 years ago2 min read
3 min readTrainingThe Clap Clap rap video that’s motivating millionsThe Freeletics Clap Clap rap has already had thousands of views on Youtube. Find out the inspiration behind the video from Lapaz, it’s creator here.Seana10 years ago3 min read
7 min readCommunityVanessa’s StoryLearn more about the Free Athlete Vanessa Gebhardt. Be inspired and write your own success story!Seana10 years ago7 min read
7 min readCommunityA one-year travel through North, Mid and South America with Freeletics – Matthias’ storyWhen Matthias’s life came to a crossroads, he quit his job and split up with his girlfriend. Find out how Freeletics helped him choose the right path and accompanied ...Seana10 years ago7 min read
6 min readWell-BeingMen and women: Free Athletes with different strengthsWhy do men have a higher percentage of muscles and women in fat? Why is it harder for women to reduce body fat? And why is it so hard for me as a woman to do pull ups...Seana10 years ago6 min read
2 min readTrainingFreeletics Exercises: Handstand Push-upsHandstand push-ups are one of the most effective exercises for your shoulder muscles. They are therefore ideally suited for strength and muscle building.Seana10 years ago2 min read
2 min readWell-BeingTraining and hay fever: What to bear in mindHay fever and similar allergies are no longer a problem! What allergy sufferers have to be aware of in spring when exercising outside. And: High Intensity training ca...Seana10 years ago2 min read